circle of trees behind text - Ministry Council Meeting

Zoom and on-site. The UUCM Ministry Council serves to coordinate the Ministry Teams and their work to fulfill UUCM’s Mission. The Council is made up of Ministry Team leaders, paid staff (as available), the Minister, a Chair or Co-Chairs, and a Board representative. A Council Chair, recruited by the Minister, organizes, and conducts Council activities […]

jar of money with plant growing out of it

The Finance Committee manages the overall finances, investments and assets of UUCM by working closely with the Treasurer, the Board, and Stewardship Committee. We develop the annual budget needed to fulfill the UUCM mission by collaborating with the Board, Staff and other Program Leaders. […]

Justice team title pic with scales

UUCM’s active Justice Team supports the congregation’s learning and action toward a more compassionate, sustainable and just community and world. The Team oversees, supports, and helps focus UUCM’s justice initiatives, primarily through the work of UUCM’s task forces voted on by the congregation, as well as through Rapid Response opportunities, which are urgent calls for action that arise throughout the year. The Justice Team is a thinking, planning and oversight group keeping an eye on the overall picture, while the on-the-ground work of justice is done through the programs of the task forces themselves. New task forces may arise during the year as need, passion, and support surface. […]

Worship Team 3rd Thursdays @ 6:00pm

The Worship Team aims for shared ministry, alongside the minister, in planning and promoting worship services of quality and meaning. With the minister, the committee maintains and coordinates the schedule for all services and arranges for worship services when the minister is absent. […]

jar of money with plant growing out of it

The Finance Committee manages the overall finances, investments and assets of UUCM by working closely with the Treasurer, the Board, and Stewardship Committee. We develop the annual budget needed to fulfill the UUCM mission by collaborating with the Board, Staff and other Program Leaders. […]

Justice team title pic with scales

UUCM’s active Justice Team supports the congregation’s learning and action toward a more compassionate, sustainable and just community and world. The Team oversees, supports, and helps focus UUCM’s justice initiatives, primarily through the work of UUCM’s task forces voted on by the congregation, as well as through Rapid Response opportunities, which are urgent calls for action that arise throughout the year. The Justice Team is a thinking, planning and oversight group keeping an eye on the overall picture, while the on-the-ground work of justice is done through the programs of the task forces themselves. New task forces may arise during the year as need, passion, and support surface. […]

Worship Team 3rd Thursdays @ 6:00pm

The Worship Team aims for shared ministry, alongside the minister, in planning and promoting worship services of quality and meaning. With the minister, the committee maintains and coordinates the schedule for all services and arranges for worship services when the minister is absent. […]

jar of money with plant growing out of it

The Finance Committee manages the overall finances, investments and assets of UUCM by working closely with the Treasurer, the Board, and Stewardship Committee. We develop the annual budget needed to fulfill the UUCM mission by collaborating with the Board, Staff and other Program Leaders. […]

Justice team title pic with scales

UUCM’s active Justice Team supports the congregation’s learning and action toward a more compassionate, sustainable and just community and world. The Team oversees, supports, and helps focus UUCM’s justice initiatives, primarily through the work of UUCM’s task forces voted on by the congregation, as well as through Rapid Response opportunities, which are urgent calls for action that arise throughout the year. The Justice Team is a thinking, planning and oversight group keeping an eye on the overall picture, while the on-the-ground work of justice is done through the programs of the task forces themselves. New task forces may arise during the year as need, passion, and support surface. […]

Worship Team 3rd Thursdays @ 6:00pm

The Worship Team aims for shared ministry, alongside the minister, in planning and promoting worship services of quality and meaning. With the minister, the committee maintains and coordinates the schedule for all services and arranges for worship services when the minister is absent. […]