Architects of Fate: Building a New Way – March 27, 2022 – Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Architects of Fate: Building a New Way
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
March 27, 2022
Rev. Kevin Tarsa, with Chuck Champlin and Beth Karow, Worship Associates

“All are architects of fate, working in these walls of time,” wrote Longfellow. The religious tradition we inherited and call home is always a work in progress. Perhaps especially now. We continue to renovate this spiritual abode in our time, drawing on our skills and gifts, and using the materials at hand. Are you a brick layer? A roofer? A painter? A carpenter? A plumber? Someone who sews the seat cushions and curtains, or someone who landscapes the entry?

Greeting Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Land Acknowledgement read by Scottie Hart 

Opening Words This Act of Faith by Rev. Gretchen Haley, read by Beth Karow  

Song for Gathering The Fire of Commitment #1028 by Jason Shelton and Mary Katherine Morn 

Welcome Chuck Champlin, Worship Associate 

Lighting of the Chalice We Light This Flame As an Act of Faith by Rev. Scott Tayler, read by Beth Rose, with Dahlia Sanders, dance 

Wisdom for All Ages Tree House Rules by Lynn Ungar and Michelle Richards, read by Chuck Champlin 

Joys & Sorrows  

Prayer & Meditation Reversals of Fortune by Theresa I Soto 

Song Comfort Me #1002 by Mimi Bornstein 

Stewardship Moment Anita Wald-Tuttle

Sermon Building a New Way, Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Offering Chuck Champlin 

25% of our offering this month will support Interfaith Food Ministry, which works to feed the hungry and reduce food insecurity in Nevada County. 

Offertory Toby Thomas-Rose, piano 

Dedication Chuck Champlin 

Thank you    

Closing Song Building a New Way #1017 by Martha Sandefer, arr. by Jim Scott 

Closing Words May Our Faith Be Renewed and Reignited, by Rev. Dr. Rebekah A. Savage, read by Gail Schulz 

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                   Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.  

Music for Going Forth