Holding History: Body, Mind, and Spirit – November 7, 2021 – Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Holding History: Body, Mind, and Spirit
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
November 7, 2021

Rev. Kevin Tarsa, with Cheryl Morris, Worship Associate

What does it mean to “hold our history” when history tells us so much more about how we see ourselves now than about what happened in the past? Or are those two things closer than we think? What history are you holding, and why, and how? 

Greeting Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Song for Gathering Enter, Rejoice, and Come In #361, by Louise Ruspini 

Welcome Cheryl Morris, Worship Associate 

Lighting of the Chalice by Cheryl Morris, read by Theresa Houtman and Carol Kuczora 

Land Acknowledgement read by Connie Wright and Carmen Riley 

Opening Words Here We Re-member Ourselves by Rev. Gretchen Haley, read by Corrie Silva and Christy Barden 

Wisdom for All Ages About our Stories, a wisdom tale by Elie Wiesel, as told by Lea Morris, with Your Story by Lea Morris  

Joys & Sorrows 

Prayer & Meditation  

Music Speak for Me by Sullivan Pugh, sung by Claire Leve, Jordan Thomas-Rose and Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Sermon Holding History: Body, Mind and Spirit, Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Offering Cheryl Morris, with Cheryl Wicks, co-founder of Sammie’s Friends 

25% of our offering this month will support: Sammie’s Friends, which offers a safe and caring place for neglected, abandoned, and abused animals to be cared for and rehabilitated, when necessary, and adopted as quickly as possible into loving homes. 

Since we are not passing a plate in person, giving in other ways is vital to our ability to sustain the work of our community. Thank you for your generosity. See the insert for ways to give by text, PayPal, UUCM’s website or by mail. 


Dedication Cheryl Morris 

Thank you 

Closing Music Your Story by Lea Morris

Closing Words Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                   Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.