Holding History: Meaning 3.0 – November 21, 2021 – Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Holding History: Meaning 3.0
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
November 21, 2021
Rev. Kevin Tarsa with Chuck Champlin, Worship Associate

Jamie Wheal claims that the world has entered a third stage in the human effort to make meaning: beyond the first, religious stage which linked meaning to salvation and exclusion, beyond the second stage, modern liberalism, which anchored meaning in inclusion at the expense of salvation, to a third stage, which Wheal says needs to integrate the first two in order to navigate the current collapse of our traditional anchors. How can history, the human story so far, help us move hopefully and courageously into what comes next? 

Greeting Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Song for Gathering Shall We Gather at the River #1046 by Robert Lowry, adapted  

Welcome Chuck Champlin, Worship Associate 

Lighting of the Chalice For the Memory that Heals and Holds by Rev. Scott Tayler, read by Scottie Hart

Land Acknowledgement read by Jenny Dewey and Carmen Riley 

Opening Words Invoking the Past, Present and Future by Katie Romano Griffin, read by Robin Hart

Wisdom for All Ages Back There Where the Past Was, read by Chuck Champlin 

Joys & Sorrows 

Prayer & Meditation Ever in Our Midst by Karen G. Johnston, read by Rev. Kevin 

Music Székely Áldás (Székely Blessing) #1043, Traditional Transylvanian text, music by Beth Norton, Jordan Thomas-Rose, voice, and Tom Wernigg, violin, with Rev. Kevin Tarsa, piano

Where there is faith there is love;
where there is love there is peace.
Where there is peace there is blessing;
where there is blessing there is God.
Where there is God, there is no need.

Sermon Holding History: Meaning 3.0, Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Offering Chuck Champlin 

25% of our offering this month will support: Sammie’s Friends, which offers a safe and caring place for neglected, abandoned, and abused animals to be cared for and rehabilitated, when necessary, and adopted as quickly as possible into loving homes. 

Since we are not passing a plate in person, giving in other ways is vital to our ability to sustain the work of our community. Thank you for your generosity. See the insert for ways to give by text, PayPal, UUCM’s website or by mail. 

Offertory I Wish it Was Easy (But it Ain’t) by Tom Wernigg  

Dedication Chuck Camplin 

Thank you 

Closing Song Life Calls Us On by Jason Shelton, Jordan Thomas-Rose 

Closing Words   

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice
               Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.

Music for Going Forth