Christmas Eve by Candlelight

Christmas Eve by Candlelight
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
December 24, 2023
Rev Kevin Tarsa, with Lindsay Dunckel, Worship Associate

We’ll gather on this special evening to share age-old songs and readings as we reflect on the message of Christmas for our times. We’ll conclude our time together with the annual ritual of passing the light from one to all as we sing together. 

Music for Gathering  Brass Valley 5

Song for Gathering The First Nowell #237 English carol

Welcome and Greeting One Another  Lindsay Dunckel 

Land Acknowledgement 

Lighting of the Chalice Good Tidings and Gladness by Carter Smith,
read by Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Song Angels We Have Heard on High #231 French carol, words by Earl Bowman Marlatt

A Christmas Eve Reflection  Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Music Dark of Winter, Soft and Still by Shelly Jackson Denham, UUCM Choir

Reading Christmas Eve: O Holy Night by Anya Sammler-Michael, 
read by Leonna Sapphire, Randy McKean, Callum McKean, Lindsay Dunckel

Music O Holy Night by Adolphe Adam, Mike Hudson Trombone

Offering for the Minister’s Discretionary Fund  Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Offertory Greensleeves traditional English folksong
played by Michael Bankston, Trumpet

Dedication Rev. Kevin 

Gratitudes  Lindsay Dunckel

Passing of the Light Silent Night #251 words by Joseph Mohr,
music by Franz Xaver Gruber

Closing Words  A Christmas Blessing by Mary Gear, read by Rev. Kevin and Lindsay

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.   

Music for Going Forth