The Nisenan: In Courageous Conversation – October 9, 2022 – Tribal Spokesperson Shelly Covert

The Nisenan: In Courageous Conversation
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
October 9, 2022
Tribal Spokesperson Shelly Covert
with Frank Lawrence and the rest of the UUCM Nisenan Project Team, and you

UUCM’s holds an ongoing commitment to be in as respectful and as right a relationship as possible with the members of the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe of this area. This year, as part of that evolving and growing relationship, tribal spokesperson Shelly Covert draws generously on her own courage to invite UUCM into a courageous and honest conversation. Shelly invites you to bring your real questions, even and especially those that you have been afraid to ask.

Greeting Cheryl Morris, Worship Associate 

Honoring Ancestors Shelly Covert, Tribal Spokesperson, Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe  

Land Acknowledgement read by Beth Karow and Cheryl Morris 

Song for Gathering Blue Boat Home by Peter Mayer #1064 

Welcome Cheryl Morris, Worship Associate 

Lighting of the Chalice and Opening Words by Mark Causey, read by Carmen Riley and Frank  Lawrence, UUCM Nisenan Project Team Members 

Wisdom for All Ages Shelly Covert 

Singing our Children on their Way  

Joys & Sorrows Beth Karow 

Music Gabrielle Lawson, piano 

Prayer & Meditation Beth Karow 

Song Meditation on Breathing by Sarah Dan Jones #1009   

Reading Mother Earth by Virginia Covert, Vice Chair, Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe 1996, read by Eileen Hale

Every Conversation Takes Courage Shelly Covert, Tribal Spokesperson, Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe, Frank Lawrence, and all 

Offering Cheryl Morris 

Offertory Gabrielle Lawson, piano  

Dedication Cheryl Morris 

Thank you Cheryl Morris 

Closing Song Deep Peace, text based on words by Fiona MacLeod (William Sharp), music by Kevin Tarsa 

Closing Words  

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice