Through the River and Over the Woods – November 20, 2022 – Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Through the River and Over the Woods
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
November 20, 2022
Rev. Kevin Tarsa

How do we navigate change while hanging onto the traditions we hold dear? Is it possible to rethink the way we get “to grandmother’s house” and better align our rituals with our values?
You are invited to bring an item from your Thanksgiving centerpiece or table to place on our shared table during the service.

Song for Gathering Enter, Rejoice and Come In #361 by Louise Ruspini, with Taylor Carey, David Samson, and Tom Wernigg guitar; Kate Canan, flute; Kathyrn Young, voice; Steve Wiley, percussion. 

Welcome Cheryl Morris 

Land Acknowledgement read by Jeff Gold 

Lighting of the Chalice/Opening Words Change Is by Rev. Dr. David Breeden, read by Carol Nimick  

Wisdom for All Ages What do we know about Thanksgiving? Rev. Kevin and all 

Singing our Children on their Way  

Joys & Sorrows 

Music Toby Thomas-Rose, piano  

Prayer & Meditation Potluck by Lynn Ungar, read by Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Song Be Ye Lamps unto Yourselves #184, words attributed to Gautama Buddha 

Music Over the River and Through the Wood Revisited by Kate Canan, Taylor Carey, Kathryn Young, and Tom Wernigg,  

Sermon Through the River and Over the Wood by Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Offering Cheryl Morris 

Offertory Toby Thomas-Rose, piano  

Dedication Cheryl Morris 

Thank you 

Closing Song The Fire of Commitment #1028 by Mary Katherine Morn and Jason Shelton 

Closing Words

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice