8th Principle

Initiative #2 of the UUCM Bending the Arc of Racial Justice Task Force is to ask UUCM members to vote to adopt the 8th Principle at our Annual Community Business Meeting in May 2023.  In turn, that decision will inform our 3 delegates attending the June 2023 UUA General Assembly.

As determined by the membership size, UUCM is allowed 3 voting delegates.  So far, 216 UUA congregations have adopted the 8th Principle.

E-chalice articles, such as this one, will suggest resources for learning opportunities as we prepare for voting.  These resources are meant to stimulate formal and informal conversations during the coming months.  Later this Fall and Winter there will be scheduled opportunities for both in-person and Zoom study, discussion, and deliberations.  

The 8th Principle draft reads: We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote…..‘journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse and multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.’  There will be opportunities for wordsmithing, so if this is ‘your thing’ let Janet Dunstan know and she’ll help facilitate connections for participation in this important work.

As a starting place, some context on how the 8th Principle proposal began may be useful by reading a historical perspective called “Findings Related to the Southern Regional Lead Hiring Decision, Spring 2017” contained in the 2020 report from The Commission on Intuitional Change. See Appendix I Widening the Circle, Appendix I.pdf report. (20 short pages).

The comprehensive report called “Widening the Circle of Concern” includes significant and specific recommendations to UUA and congregations.  Both an audio and a written report are available and can be found at https://www.uua.org/uuagovernance/committees/cic/widening. PDF printable version is available at Widening the Circle of Concern Report.pdf

If you have questions, comments or would like to participate in the Bending the Arc for Racial Justice Task Force, please contact Janet Dunstan (contact information can be found in the member directory).