It is the spirit and growing participation of people like you that help to make this Community what it is and what it can be, all of us together discovering ways to create a more compassionate, sustainable, and just world, including in our own hearts.
When you start to wonder about membership…
This is where the path to membership in UUCM begins.
Sign up for UU 101, a one-session introduction to Unitarian Universalism (UU) with church leadership, other newer folks, and current UUCM members.
Expect meaningful and fun connection and conversation as well as a beginning orientation to where this whole UU thing is coming from. In this interactive session we’ll introduce the history and values of Unitarian Universalism as well as UUCM’s mission statement. There will be time for questions and discussion because, after all, UU-ism is a tradition that encourages questioning!
If the UU 101 session piques your interest, continue with Starting Point, five rich sessions of connection, exploration, and learning. (The Starting Point series asks for a commitment to attend all five sessions.)
We won’t just talk about Unitarian Universalism, we’ll experience it! We’ll approach Unitarian Universalism and membership at UUCM as ongoing journeys and we’ll live part of this journey together over these five gatherings, rooted in our tradition’s insistence that each person brings important insight, experiences and perspectives to this shared voyage.
Being a member is a continual journey. Joining marks one important moment, but the journey of membership begins long before and continues long after.
And then…

The final official steps to membership in UUCM are meeting privately with the minister to talk about joining and what it means to you, and to answer any questions you may have, signing the Membership Book in the presence of other members, and making a financial pledge of record (within your means).
And so it “begins”…
We are scheduling UU 101 sessions monthly and Starting Point series several times a year. It is wonderful to have existing members mixed in with new folks. To sign up for UU 101, for more information about the Starting Point series, or to learn more about UUCM and membership in general, please contact Membership@uugrassvalley.org.
What does it mean to be a member?
Being a member means not only that you are entitled to participate in the congregation’s governance and decision-making, it also means that you have certain privileges relating to access to the minister’s time. Rev. Kevin reminds us that the most significant change when a person becomes a member is the change in how that person feels about the congregation. The community is no longer “them,” but “us,” no longer “theirs,” but “ours.” It is a powerful and wonderful internal shift that calls us to deeper connection and service.
Being a member at UUCM does not require that you hold certain religious beliefs or subscribe to a particular theological doctrine, nor that you denounce other religious institutions with which you might have associations. However it does indicate that this is a religious community with which you want to be identified and which you want to support. As such, there are five basic expectations of members.
1. Members are expected to take their spiritual/religious life seriously. This means attending worship services and other programs often enough to feel a part of things. We know how much this benefits the member.
2. Members are expected to contribute in some way to UUCM’s wellbeing. This can take several forms – serving on a committee or ministry team, helping with work parties on the building and grounds, or preparing snacks for Sunday’s Social Time. It is important to us that the ways you serve also bring you joy.
3. Members are expected to contribute financially. UUCM has no external sources of income and so relies on its members. We do not demand a tithe but encourage generosity within a member’s personal circumstances. We do offer guidelines for giving and we encourage conversation with the minister.
4. Members are expected to contribute in some way to the wellbeing of the world. UUism has always had a strong commitment to social action and to investing in the wellbeing of our wider communities.
5. Members are expected to tell others about UUCM. We are not a proselytizing faith, but we do believe we have something of value to offer and want others to know about us. When this community offers something of real value, we hope and trust that this good news is something you’ll want to share. A great way to do this is to follow UUCM on Facebook and Instagram and share the posts.
If you are interested in membership, or just want to know more about UUCM, please contact Membership@uugrassvalley.org.
We look forward to our journey together!