The annual tradition of providing Christmas gifts for the children of our community is ready to begin. The Christmas Giving Tree is up in the foyer and the gift tags are in place. We have chosen CASA/Child Advocates as our recipients for this year, and they are asking for 2 to 3 new books for each of the children. The gift tags have the initials for the child, their ages and genders, and the subjects they are interested in. They range in age from 3 months to 18 years old. The Book Seller in Grass Valley is supporting our mission by providing 20% off when you show your gift tag for the purchase of these books. Now, that’s the spirit!!! We can give a gift of love to a child in the foster system and we can support our local book store.
Please take a tag from the tree and give a gift of reading to a child. There will be someone at the Christmas Tree to help you sign up. Please, when you take a tag, sign in on the sheet. If you choose to buy your books at the Book Seller, take your tag with you and present it at the counter for a 20% discount, but be sure to save the tag to use to label your gift when you bring it into UUCM. All gifts must be back no later than Sunday, December 8, and they need to be gift wrapped and have the label visible on the front of the present. We are asking for new books only for these Christmas gifts, but if you have favorite children’s books, you can always donate them to the CASA lending library.